PropertyWizard Pro

Digitally signed app
PropertyWizard Pro is an add-in for Autodesk® Revit® that allows you to add formulas to parameters in projects, just as you can add formulas to family parameters in the family editor.
This is the Pro version of PropertyWizard, which has extra features for power users. Right now, there is only one extra feature: the ability to select all formulas and delete them at the same time. You may think that the standard version of PropertyWizard, at half the price, is a better value! Nevertheless, if you would like to support development of more advanced features like multi-category formulas, on/off switches for formulas, the let() function, etc., this version is here for you to purchase!
For example, with PropertyWizard Pro you can:
- Set the ‘Sheet Number’ of all the sheets from their other parameters.
- Set the Door Numbers of all the doors, using data from the door’s Level and Type.
- Set visible properties for X and Y location on all pile foundations so you can schedule them.
And best of all, because PropertyWizard is linked into Revit’s parametric change engine, the parameter values are kept up-to-date all the time. No need to repeatedly run Dynamo scripts to update the parameters. #ReviseInstantly.
How PropertyWizard works
Each PropertyWizard formula has 3 parts:
- The Category of element that you want to apply it to.
- The Target Property you want to set.
- The Formula you want to use.
The Category can be any Revit Category. The formula will apply to all elements in the Category (you can use filtering in the formula to affect just a subset). The Target Property can be an Instance Property or a Type Property.
The Formula language is an extension of the normal Revit family formula language, so if you can write Revit family formulas, you can write PropertyWizard formulas. The extensions include string manipulation and concatenation (which you don’t have in family formulas), access to hidden properties from the Revit API, properties from linked elements, and Project Information properties.
PropertyWizard gives you control of your Revit data, so you can place it just where you need it to be, and generate your data and drawing outputs efficiently, without having to run Dynamo scripts or manually copy data.
Help File
Please download the comprehensive Help PDF - it contains 'getting started' tutorials and the language reference: http://www.davidwooddesign.com/propertywizard-help/.
I want you to get the most out of PropertyWizard, so please, if you need any help or advice in using it, get in touch with me at support@davidwooddesign.com.
Volume pricing
The price shown here is for single licenses of PropertyWizard: If you need more than one, please get in touch for volume pricing: support@davidwooddesign.com.