Engipedia Topo Shaper

Engipedia Topo Shaper

30 天免費試用版, 月, 年


Transform Your Topography Instantly!

The Engipedia Topo Shaper tool is designed to efficiently modify topography instances, including Toposolid and topography surface elements, using model lines. With this powerful tool, you can add additional topography points along selected model lines, shaping your landscape with precision and ease.

Key Features:

  • Wide Compatibility: Supports 10 versions of Autodesk® Revit®, from Revit 2015 to Revit 2025.

  • Demo Mode: Try out the tool for free with a limited demo option that allows you to divide lines into 2 segments. You can manually divide lines into more segments for enhanced flexibility.

  • Delete Topography Points: Easily delete existing topography points within polygons defined by the selected lines, allowing for greater control over your landscape modifications.

  • Add Points at Intersections: Automatically add additional points where your selected lines intersect with topography boundaries, ensuring your design integrates seamlessly with the existing terrain.

  • Delete Mode: Choose to delete existing topography points along selected lines, providing a straightforward way to clean up your design.

  • CSV Export and Backwards Compatibility: Save your topography points to a CSV file, enabling some level of backwards compatibility. Please note that importing CSV points may not recreate the original topography shape accurately if the original contained complex features, such as concave shapes or polygons with islands.

Supported Model Lines: All model lines are compatible, including lines, arcs, ellipses, curves, and NURBS. Please ensure that the selected model lines are not closed loops; otherwise, the tool will provide a warning and ignore them. For closed loops (such as circles and ellipses), they must be split into two or more parts using the Split Element tool in Revit.

Important Considerations: Topography is represented as a mesh object, so careful consideration of point distribution is crucial. Keep in mind that adding more points does not always result in better outcomes. Additionally, editing Toposolid elements may become slow as more points are added.

Save and Restore Your Work: An additional feature allows you to save the current state of the topography to a CSV points file. This enables you to easily restore the original state later using Revit’s Massing & Site > Toposurface > Create from Import > Specify Points File tool. Please note that saved topography points are always recorded in meters.

Custom Licensing Options: We offer flexible licensing solutions to meet your needs, including single-user and multi-user licenses. For more information or to discuss a custom licensing option, please contact us at info@engipedia.com


版本, 2024/11/6
This app version is compatible with Revit 2015 to Revit 2025. Supports both: Topography Surface and Toposolid elements editing.


Tool Placement on the Ribbon


4 評論
  • Revit 2022 vs 2024
    FLUX PLANNING | 九月 04, 2024 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Loved using this tool for earlier revit versions up to 2022. Recently installed revit 2024 and reinstalled topo shaper but it sadly will not work on new toposolids. Is there a way to make it work?

  • Not Action
    Rikhardus Tanlain | 六月 22, 2023 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    This tool can't work in revit 2024. Could you please update so it can work in Revit 2024

  • 2023
    Paulo Costa | 三月 23, 2023

    2023, please!! Thanks

  • Simples e funcional
    Paulo Costa | 六月 04, 2022 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Obrigado por esta excelente ferramenta.

    Mirko Jurčević (發佈者) | 四月 26, 2023

    Paulo Costa : "Thanks for this excellent tool." Thank you for your kind review, Paulo!
