Megara Visualizer
Whether you are working on a space program, want to visualize the relation of different types of rooms or spaces, or colour code all spaces with high mechanical load, this plugin is what you need!
1.Works with Rooms & Spaces
2.Supports categorizing by Value and Range
3.Save/Load your 3D Colour Scheme can be applied across your company's different projects
•This plugin creates 3D Elements under “General Models” Category
•It creates a Clean View with all other categories set as hidden and a filter for all General models not created by this plugin and hides them by default
•Colouring is set in the Automatic Created View only
•You can modify or duplicate then modify the created 3D View to show any other elements
•This doesn’t read your current colour legend, you must set the colours in the plugin and save them to be loaded anytime later if you need them.
Activation & License:
Your purchase gives you the license for one seat.
The same license gives you the full rights to use it on all supported Autodesk® Revit® versions
Application uses Serial Activation Method
You get 7 days / 20 uses until you officially activate your app, with all Features enabled.
Send your ID to License@megara.co to get your unique serial number
This application uses a one-time serial Activation step to give you the ability to install multiple seats on 1 PC
Multiple Seats
For IT Departments you can do multi PC Installations easily after purchasing multiples,
So send an Email to license@megara.co
Include your purchasing amail and PC IDs and we will send you the number of serials numbers up to your purchased quantity.