Mass Properties Importer

Digitally signed app



This application is a standalone additional administrator tool for updating multiple user-defined properties to an existing old database exported as a CSV. The application allows you to map CSV dataset columns and attributes to user-defined properties. The only limitations are that the files must be preexisting in the Autodesk® Vault datastore, must have unique names and cannot be mapped while using this application.


If enough interest is sought, future releases will enable a population of mapped UDP with file limitations. 


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).

Informationen zu dieser Version

Version Version, 28.01.2025
Version 5.1 Release with support for 2024 Vault Professional

Screenshots und Videos

We now do Files and Folder UDP Meta Data


2 Bewertungen
Technische Hilfe erhalten
  • Life Saver!
    Quinn Kennedy | August 27, 2018 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Had tens of thousands of files I had to import from an old database to Vault and attach all the metadata(About 30 feilds per file), this tool really helped.

    Thank you!

  • Great App
    Nigel Koop | Juni 01, 2018 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Nice UI. Easy to use. Does the job!

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