GRAITEC PowerPack for Autodesk® Vault® 2023

Digitally signed app
Graitec PowerPack for Autodesk® Vault® comes with functionalities to increase productivity, by speeding up your everyday Vault data management tasks and workflows.
Within Autodesk Vault Professional and Autodesk Vault Workgroup platforms, the GRAITEC extension helps with the deployment of extended data management functions and increases control and automation.
Languages are available on installation: English and German.
KEY FEATURE 1: Status Change Restriction
The PowerPack tool for Status Change restriction, allows the Administrator of the system to apply a dedicated check routine that ensures that the comments are completed at each change in the status Change within the lifecycle of the part.
The Change restriction is applied using a Dedicated XMl template file selection, within the file, there is a compliance line to indicate the minimum requirement for the Comment field under the status changed the dialogue.
KEY FEATURE 2: File Export Tools
PowerPack for Vault contains a range of tools specifically designed to enhance file management export workflows giving you new levels of flexibility.
The available jobs, IDW2PDF/DWG/DXF, IPT2DXF DWG2PDF /DXF, can be run by simply selecting the file/files in Vault, right-clicking, and selecting add the job to the queue. Then you select the required job in the job queue and press ok. These jobs will then use the job processor in Vault to process the jobs.
KEY FEATURE 3: File Watermarking
The PowerPack tool for Watermarking gives the user the option to include their own stamp marking to the drawing workspace, allowing for the customized entry using a series of predefined Watermark symbol template files, with a selection of file types by name. These in turn can then be applied to the File exports under different formats, commonly PDF, DXF, and DWG.
The process is used in conjunction with the Graitec ‘Add to queue’ process, selecting the file/s, and then the required format is created from the initial selection of which file to add the watermark to.
KEY FEATURE 4: Get Folders on Log On
This function checks if the files of the specified Vault folders are up to date in the user’s workspace on logon.
When configuration files like CAD templates, styles, etc. are managed inside the Vault it is important that these files are up to date inside the user’s workspace. This function helps to keep the local workspace files up to date.
KEY FEATURE 5: Autodesk® Inventor® Data Migration via Job Processor
Migration of Inventor files is important for a stable and performant CAD environment. The standard Autodesk Task Scheduler might be painful, especially in Vault environments.
That is why, in the PowerPack for Vault, additional functions are included, within the context menu for folders and files, to migrate the files using the Job Processor
The main benefits of this migration via the job processor are:
- Using the power of the Job Processor, files and folders are migrated
- Stable and performant CAD environment
- Available in the contextual menu, for files and folders
- Possibility to have multiple selections
KEY FEATURE 6: Vault Configuration Report
The Vault Configuration is extracting with just one click all the individual settings distributed in many different dialogs. The configuration report from GRAITEC PowerPack for Vault helps to get an overview of the configuration of the Vault.
The report is built based on the selected options and the information will be displayed in different tables, allowing the user to create a particular report with just the information he needs.
The format HTML for the report is practical to be shared for other Vault Configurations.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).
This is the 30-day Free Trial version without any restrictions to our full set of tools part of PowerPack for Autodesk Vault.
Languages available on installation: English, German,
GRAITEC contact: https://graitec.com/
* please contact GRAITEC for more details*