한국인프라 Infra Information Technology co., Ltd.

 Company Overview


- TEL : +82-2-6204-5000  /  FAX : +82-2-6204-5099

- Homepage :

- Location : 150 Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea


Infra Information Technology is a company oriented total solution provider for OA / IT asset management solutions, security solutions, BIM solutions, BIM consulting services and CGs, virtualization systems for architecture or engineering, and general companies. We have secured a variety of distribution channels such as direct or online sales. Also, we hold publishing, education, and various projects for customers with our technical R&D expert manpower


Business Area



- AEC/ENI/MFG sector CAD/BIM solution
  (Architecture, Engineering, Infrastructure, Plant, Manufacturing)

- IT asset management, IT device, File security, vaccine

- Virtualization system and server management solution

- Log managementandbig data solution

- CG Rendering solution



- Lexmark OASystem, Hardware

- Google Liquid Galaxy

-Multimedia Conferencing System
-NVIDIA Preferred Partner

Reverse Engineering

- Autodesk/Trimble
- 3D reverse engineering

- Trimble 3D Scan


Technical Support Education Publication

- Operate own training room
- Regular technical education

- Joint seminars, training sessions with
- solution vendors.

- BIM Material Publication


- SMS Messaging Service

- Online Software Mall


Solution Dev.

- Develop fluid simulation/visualization

- 3D Smart layout Planner

- Automated Drawing Management Solution


SI & Consulting


- Carrying out projects with various public corporations


Business Competitiveness


High understanding of Software distribution business.

- Autodesk AEC/ENI Direct VAR, MFG Silver VAR (2014~)

- Autodesk AEC/ENI VAD(Distributor) (2011~2013)

- Autodesk PSEB VAD (2003~2010)

- Autodesk GSP VAD (2009)

- Autodesk GIS VAD / Consulting Partner (2000)

- Microsoft Government Partner (2009~)

- Microsoft Solution Provider (1999~)

Various solution & other business experiences


Conducting so many projects with public corporations and local authorities.

Korea Expressway Corporation :
Advanced Real-time disaster management system
- Vehicle information, Telecom and tunnel facilities management system.

Korea Rural Community Corporation :
Agricultural infrastructure management system

Continuous cadastral map creation program

Korea Railroad Research Institute :
Automatic railway column design program

Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology :
Total safety analysis program

Korea Institute of Planning & Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries :
Prototype for rural water information service system

Seoul Metropolitan Government
Mobile parking system

Carrying out projects with various public corporations


Technical Competitiveness


Product based technical service.

- Product-specific professional engineer (8) Top career for 16 years engineer  / 7 years of average technical career.

- Joint seminars, training sessions with solution vendors.

- Extensive trouble shooting knowledge database stored.

- Operate own training room / Remoting support services


Homegrown Solution developing & technical based business.

- i-Flow - Develop fluid simulation/visualization

- PowerCraft - Develop Smart Layout Planner

- NET Based groupware development

- Accumap GIS Engine Development

- Drawing automation solution Development

- Electricity sector drawing automation program development

- 3D reverse engineering business

- Network separation business

- Virtualization system business

- 3D modeling, rendering service

- Web design service



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