Pracownia Architektoniczna "Artejon" Andrzej Jeż is an architectural practice/Revit Add-Ins developer, delivering professional service in the field of multi-disciplinary project delivery for a broad range of schemes. Beside the activity in a field of architecture, we develop Revit add-ins, including custom ordered applications. Add-ins that are already available:

- Purger (purge unused line patterns, lines styles, find and manage CAD imports, both in a project and in a family)

- Rooms To Spaces (when working with linked models it is a challenge to create and keep synchronized all the spaces with rooms from links.The app makes this process fast and easy.)

- RVT Links To IFC - smooths and fastens a process of preparing a Master file with linked Revit projects containing Design Option Sets before exporting a model to IFC

- Schedule Utilities (the application has following functions:

           calculated values from schedules can be put into tags in views to display data from schedules right next to model elements that these calculated values refer to

- Solar Daylight (analyze and document shadow casting and sunshine: it automatically draws shadow lines on surfaces, calculates solar duration in a room)

- View Filter Manager and View Filter Manager ML with extended functionality

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