Secude HaloCAD Secure your CAD files. Protect your IP. Safeguard your future.

Are your CAD files secure if they fall into the wrong hands? With each employee, partner and device representing a potential security gap, you risk costly and time-consuming data breaches without automatic file security.


With HaloCAD:

• Secure CAD files wherever they travel. HaloCAD’s lifelong access control protects your priceless CAD files inside and outside your IT perimeter, securing vital information within your business and also when collaborating with partners.

• End damage from data leaks. HaloCAD’s automatic data protection secures your sensitive CAD files even if they’re leaked or stolen, ensuring your revenue, reputation and resources are always protected if data breaches occur.

• Use compliance as a competitive advantage. HaloCAD’s in-built security enables you to easily demonstrate compliance to auditors, avoid penalties and win business by showcasing top-of-the-range data protection (i.e. meeting NIS2 or CMMC requirements). 



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Intégration logicielle
