Armacell, a world leader in flexible insulation foams for the equipment-insulation market, is also a leading provider of engineered foams. The company operates within two main businesses: Advanced Insulation and Engineered Foams. The Advanced Insulation business develops flexible insulation foam products for the insulation of mechanical equipment in markets where energy distribution is required such as HVAC, plumbing and refrigeration applications in residential and non-residential construction, as well as process lines in various industries and the international oil & gas business.

Insulation is an effective and cost-efficient way to improve energy efficiency in industrial, commercial and residential infrastructure. Armacell’s insulation materials are designed for both new and existing installations. The Engineered Foams business develops light foams for the use in a broad range of end-markets including transportation/automotive, wind energy, sports & leisure and construction.

Armacell holds the leading market position in every region in which it operates (Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, Asia and India). Over the last 25 years, no significant competitor has entered the market. Complex production processes with a steep learning curve, proprietary product formulas, and strict quality controls protect Armacell’s leading position.  Armacell generated total net sales of EUR 540.2 million in 2015.


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