Plannerly simplifies BIM planning, management and compliance.

For BIM Managers, it’s a constant challenge to get all companies to agree on BIM requirements. 

Every project, these professionals create BIM Execution Plans in order to try and align project teams.

This is especially true if you’re a medium or large company.

The main problem they face is the output is not read, agreed to or followed which leads to misunderstandings, disagreements, waste and an unhappy BIM world. 

To date, their best option has been using Word and Excel and other disconnected tools, but of course, they take too long, are not structured and are mostly detached from the rest of the BIM tools. 

With more BIM projects starting, the problem will only get worse over time.

Plannerly is the simple approach to connect these critical plans in a way that clients can understand and teams can more easily agree to.

This leads to more effective BIM requirements and an integrated BIM verification and compliance workflow.

The result is more efficient BIM teams and much happier clients.


Nous contacter

Services de conseil
Intégration logicielle
