W7k is passionate about making Revit add-ons, supporting teams in their Bim journey and writing code (python, c# & dynamo) for the AEC industry. We also provide custom solutions for specific needs and challenges in the AEC industry, such as generative design, parametric modelling, simulation, analysis, and fulfilling BIM requirements.

Our add-ons help clients to automate tasks, optimize workflows, enhance visualization, and integrate data across different platforms. With time, we hope to make more plugins available to the public on Autodesk Store.

We are always looking for new opportunities and challenges to improve our skills and deliver value to our clients. We are also committed to learning and staying updated on the latest trends and developments in the AEC industry.

You can visit us at: w7k.pl


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Servizi di consulenza
Sviluppo personalizzato

Sviluppo di applicazioni

Sviluppo di contenuti e librerie


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