ElectroMagneticWorks Inc. (EMWorks) is a 3D CAd embedded simulation software company. We specialize in the field of electro-mechancal and electro-thermal simulations. Our customers use our flagship product EMS for Inventor to design and analyze a variety of applications like Electric Motors, Transformers, Permanent magnet devices, Loudspeakers, Solenoids, Linear and rotary actuators, Magnetic levitation devices, High power switches, Insulators, Busbars systems, Magnetic clutches/brakes, Magnetic recording devices and many more. EMS for Inventor an be used in a wide range of industries from Machine design, Electronics, Consumer products, Automation, Medical, Automotive and Defense. Since it is integrated inside AUTODESK Inventor, users can readily simulate their designs within Inventor. There is no loss of geometry due to export/import of CAD geometry. Using elegant workflow, Inventor users can now design better electro-mechanical devices. To learn more about EMWorks, please visit www.emworks.com





