Sistema operacional:


App to quickly copy a rectangular window of selected objects out from your drawing, and trim everything outside the window's edges. The result can be copied to the current drawing or to the clipboard.


A very useful tool to quickly extract details from a master plan drawing.


Run the TrimWindow command from the ribbon or command line, and you will be asked to pick 2 corners of a rectangle selection. Let's call it the TrimWindow.


Then, all supported drawing objects within the TrimWindow will be trimmed and copied to another location.

  • To trim 3D polylines, copied objects are flattened to the XOY plane. Original objects are unchanged.
  • Supported object types are 2D line, curve, 3D poly, dimension, and leader. Text and hatch are copied only, not trimmed.


A 15-day trial is available here.


JTB TrimWindow app page on JTB World's website.


Elevated user privileges are required to install this product. 


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).  

Sobre esta versão

Versão 3.0.0, 27/12/2024
Added support for AutoCAD 2025

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2 revisões
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  • Awesome
    Douglas Lingner | fevereiro 22, 2020


    Quickly trims and makes block or entities for details.


  • Awesome
    Douglas Lingner | fevereiro 22, 2020


    Quickly trims and makes block or entities for details.


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