Sistema operacional:


Using this plugin you can quickly create an "exploded" view of the assembly. If you are designing a complex assembly of 3D-solid parts then you may need to disseminate (carry, blast) in the space. This can improve the visual representation, show from which the assembly is, help in the study of a foreign assembly, or be useful for the design of the assembly drawing and for the placement of position numbers. In this case, this plugin will help in moving the parts in different directions with a single click. Parts escape into space as if the explosion occurred at the geometric center of the assembly. The force of the explosion you assign yourself.


As you know, there is no concept of assemblies in pure Autodesk® AutoCAD®. Assembly is just the word I use throughout this description for your convenience. All you choose is the assembly. Solids do not have to touch.


The program works only with solid and does not work with meshes and surfaces.


However, the program works with blocks-assemblies that contain solids. They will be spaced out in the same way as individual solids.


If you select a separate block assembly for explosion, the program will create a new block with exploded parts inside. The block will be recorded on a special layer "Excluded". Invisible attributes with the force of the explosion and the name of the original block will be added to it. This will allow you to easily update such blocks in the future when changes in assemblies. It is enough to call the auxiliary command TNTUpdate.

You can use the program for free.  But I really look forward to your feedback and donations.
The TNT command is included in the collections A>V>C> Kit and A>V>C> Pro.

Sobre esta versão

Versão 2024.03.03, 29/04/2024
Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2025 compatibility.

Capturas de tela e vídeos

Exploded assembly. Force=2

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3 revisões
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  • Very helpful !!
    Adelina Noroc | julho 19, 2023

    With just one click, it creates "exploded" views of assemblies, making complex designs a breeze to understand. It's user-friendly and works with block assemblies. TNT has made my design process so much easier and enjoyable - I highly recommend giving it a try!

    Alexandr Chernishev (Fornecedor) | julho 20, 2023

    Thanks Adelina :))

  • IM impressed
    Edgar Lopez | abril 07, 2019 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    WOW!! IM trully impressed.  Very helpful plugin. 

  • Super !
    Viktor Nickel | agosto 31, 2015

    Я купил все Plug-in от Александра.Конструирую почти только с ними. Programme ist einfach in Bedienung. Genial in Funktion. Vielen Dank Alexander !!!!

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