ColorSwap Trial

ColorSwap Trial

Sistema operacional:


Change the colors of objects instantly in your drawing in one simple interface. 

Select objects or press Enter for the entire drawing, and ColorSwap will scan for colors, whether they are set Bycolor, Bylayer or nested within a Block or set by a Dimension or Table Style. 

The colors found will be displayed in image boxes which you click on to change, or you can press the Set All button to change them to a single color. 

If items are within Blocks, you can select whether to redefine the Block or only change the Attributes. 

You can save and load the color changes to a .col file when you are converting similar drawings repeatedly. 

You can reset objects from Bycolor to Bylayer or Byblock. 

ColorSwap supports Index Colors, True Colors, Color blocks, colors within Mtext, Table Cell shading and more. 

Descrição da versão de avaliação

The ColorSwap trial app has full functionality but is limited to changing 10 colors at a time. 

You can find the full version here

Sobre esta versão

Versão 4.0.1, 02/02/2024
Added preselected items Resolved an issue when Mleader has no text Resolved an issue when more than 30000 objects selected

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