Network Quantities Label

Digitally signed app
This app is a subset of Pipe Network Productivity Tools
YouTube - Standard Selection Options
This app offers the ability to quickly select network parts through multiple selection options with ability to filter out parts, then to be able to quickly summarize a quantity list of those parts as Mtext, Table or CSV file. Quantities are gathered by PartSizeName or Part description, Pipe Lengths of 2D/3D Center to Center / edge to edge, Structure quanties, and abilty to quantify depths below a specified surface.
Pipe depths are summarized by sampling the pipe elevation at specified location of pipe vs the surface at a controllable sample frequency. Structure depths off multiple depth choices. Reports are summarized by parts of like PartSizeNames or Part Descriptions to help gain a summary of the design. Selection of parts is done with 5 methods: selection methods: All, Network, Multiple, Alignment and Path.
All collects all Networks and parts in those networks. Network collects all parts inside a selected Pipe Network, Multiple allows the user to select multiple parts on screen, Alignment allows for selecting multiple Alignments and Networks and finds parts within a defined swath along the selected Alignments, and path allows the user to select a start pipe/structure and an end pipe/structure and return all parts in between along the shortest path through the network.
Software EULA: http://www.redtransitconsultants.com/software-eula
Great program! Is it possible to in the future summarize pipes at certain depths as well, since this is how QTO are down for costing?
Hi Oriole, I'll look at adding this option for future release. I will add that my full suite of Pipe Network Tools (link below) offers structure depths based on ranges already. I'll look at adding that to this standalone version as well. https://apps.autodesk.com/CIV3D/en/Detail/Index?id=appstore.exchange.autodesk.com%3apipenetworktools_windows32and64%3aen