Sistema operacional:


SimpleBOM will generate a bill of materials list for the active assembly. Options to include only visible components and field delimiter, simple as that! Bill of materials will be saved as a CSV file (future version will incorporate a table panel in Autodesk® Fusion 360™).


Creating a BOM this way is a tremendous help when you are at that point in your design that you want to start sourcing the materials the assembly is going to need. No need to search the 'Browser' pane to count individual screws, nuts, and washers. SimpleBOM will sum up every last instance of the constituent parts even if they reside under different components. All outputted in standard CSV file. It will save you a lot of time and not miss a single bolt.

Sobre esta versão

Versão 1.0.0, 13/10/2023
First stable version

Capturas de tela e vídeos

CSV import in Libre/OpenOffice/Excel

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2 revisões
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  • Thats what I missed!
    Michael Eichenauer | junho 08, 2024 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    I thought about developing such an application myself, but your solution is exactly what I was missing in “Fusion 360” and it is easy to use as well.


    Mats Lindberg (Fornecedor) | junho 12, 2024

    Thank you, I am glad you like it!

  • simply works
    Robin Dorst | abril 02, 2024 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    It doesn't give many options but does exactly what you would expect.
    Sad that Fusion360 doesn't include a feature like this

    Mats Lindberg (Fornecedor) | junho 12, 2024

    Thank you for reviewing, I am happy to hear you find it useful!

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