view tools & coloring occ's app

view tools & coloring occ's app

Version d'essai gratuite de 30 jours, a, m
Système d'exploitation:


View tools application


The application will add new panels on assembly, part, and sheet metal ribbons with buttons and includes four main functions:




After clicking the hide/show button assembly you can select components to show/hide their work planes, library components are excluded when you are not in the library project.

Components can be pre-selected before you click the hide/show button.          

In part, it will hide/show work planes.

After clicking the hide button all work features and sketches are in the whole assembly.  

(Library components will be excluded) will be hidden.  In part, it will hide all work features.


Options available after clicking the button in the assembly environment:

m - key press - show/hide work planes in the main assembly.

p - key press - select parts.

o - key press – select first-level occurrences.

h - key press - hide all work planes in assembly and subcomponents.

a -key press - show/hide all/only main work planes.


Auto show/hide work planes on save


Auto show/hide work planes button checked -  start placing constraints, work planes in components will be shown after you move the mouse pointer over it - library components will be excluded.


Hide library content


It will create a view named: 'hidden library content' and hide all library components in the assembly. If it finds a view named 'hidden library content' inside any sub-occurrence it will set its representation to this view.


Auto-hide on save


Auto hides on save button checked  -  it will hide all work features such as work planes, work points, work axis, sketches, and sketches3d in saved parts and assemblies.

 Settings button

Opens additional settings window.


Coloring OCC's application


Colors randomly your assembly occurrences or parts with one click, all part occurrences are colored with the same color. Which means you can use it to inspect your assembly.

It will create a view representation depending on your choice:

                 colored OCCs - if you choose first-level coloring - it will color first-level components.

                colored parts - if you choose all levels of coloring  - it will color components in all levels.

Available options:


·         Random color for each component – colors will be set randomly for each occurrence.

·         Custom color for all components – checking this option enables the possibility to choose a color that will be set for all occurrences that will be processed.

·         Set color individually – checking this option will fire a new window with a list of all occurrences that will be processed.

·         Make OCC's transparent– it will make occurrences transparent.

·         Hide OCC's – it will hide occurrences.


Available additional processing options:


·         Only selected – only occurrences that were selected will be processed.

·         Library components can be included excluded and set to be only processed.

·         content center components can be included excluded and set to be only processed.

·         All occurrences fulfilling conditions – when the option is checked it enables 3.

Additional processing options can be combined, in some situations it may cause an empty set to be processed.

Individual set up colors window:


·         Set a color for each occurrence.

·         Read colors from occurrence or model.

·         Randomize colors for each row.

·         Check if any color is duplicated.

·         Choose the option to highlight occurrences.

·         Remove occurrences that the user doesn’t want to process.

·         Select a mode of random color.

A propos de cette version

Version 1.0.0, 22/10/2024
Initial Release.

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