Quantity Tool (PRO)

Digitally signed app

Sistema operacional:


This tool computes number of occurrences (total no of part/assembly used), referenced in the selected assembly. This can be assigned to Custom iproperty as per user requirement, or users can also opt only for excel report. So users will have a quantity of sub assemblies along with parts for all levels.


This Custom iproperty can be used as per requirements in drawings by referring custom iProperty.


PRO version has additional reports available to analyze quantities in more details


Quantity Tool Free Version


For further help visit: Help 

NOTE: User should activate the tool within 7 days, until then, the app works with full functionality.


Note: This app uses a custom installer and not the Autodesk App Store standard installer.

Sobre esta versão

Versão 3.4.7, 27/06/2023
Added support for Inventor 2024

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Main Window

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1 revisão
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  • Great tool
    Sieghard Windegger | maio 09, 2020

    Simpel time saver, in daly use. I use it in combination with AutoDraw.

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