MRU folders (Recent or Frequently used folders)
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MRU Folders
The application is designed to give you the possibility to use the frequently used folders.
It will track and store recently used folders and show them in Autodesk® Inventor® file dialogs.
List creation and update will be immediate after one of the chosen events will occur, no matter if the files are open.
The last used folders will be placed at the top of the list, under the pinned folders.
It also gives the possibility to pin favourite folders to the list. To do so the folder name must be closed with <> brackets, like <Folder Name>.
If a project file is read-only due to file restrictions, for example using Autodesk® Vault™, – the application will remove the read-only attribute.
You can customize it using the settings dialog, possible settings are:
1. Record events, folders will be added to the MRU list when a chosen event occurs:
- on file open,
- on file save,
- and on file insert.
2. Library folder – when chosen, the application will record library subfolders.
3. Workgroup folders – when chosen, the application will record workgroup subfolders.
4. Pin if starts/ends with – when chosen it will pin all frequently used folders with folder names closed with <> brackets to the list.
5. Folder name structure - it can be chosen from a list, the name of the folder (except pinned folders which will stay with the given name) will be given according to path and chosen type.
6. Maximum folder count stored in the list is 5-25.
Notice: The size of the dialog is limited and not resizable, it will cover up to 15 characters in name. If the name is longer then it will not be fully visible. You can scroll it using horizontal scroll or see the full path after hovering over the folder name:
The list will be auto updating in the background whenever Inventor is used. You can edit the list going into the project in the edit window. To save changes this way, you need to close all open files. Then you can add new folders to the list, if you use <> brackets then the folder will be pinned and will be kept on top of the list. There is no limitation on the number of pinned folders.
Keep in mind that it is not possible to give the same name to more than one folder.
If the RMB click menu is greyed out that means the project file is locked by another Inventor instance, or there are files open in the current session.
Sometimes it is not possible to change the folder name if the project is active.
If the folder is crossed out that means that path is incorrect.
Specific project folders like Libraries, workgroups, and workplaces will not be stored, but only their subfolders.
There is no possibility of adding a folder that is not in the project workspace, workgroup or library.
If the project file is locked by another Inventor instance, the process list will be updated after the session gains rights to the project. This will be indicated by disabling the settings button.
If it will not store some of the folders it means that there is a complex folder structure between libraries and work paths.
The list will be project-based so if you change the project then the list will be changed as well, this includes pinned folders.
The list is project-based. It will be varied between project files, and pinned folders will not transfer automatically between projects.
Users should have permission to change project file attributes.