Unreal® Live Link for Autodesk® Maya® Version 2

Unreal® Live Link for Autodesk® Maya® Version 2

Digitally signed app

Système d'exploitation:


The Unreal Live Link plug-in makes it possible to stream animation data from Maya to Unreal in real time. Whether you’re working between the two tools in a virtual production environment or building your next game, you can now work on character assets in Maya and see previews of your work reflected immediately in Unreal, as you make changes. 


Version 2 includes new functionality like the ability to push your animation directly into Unreal Engine through Asset Linking. This means that you no longer have to export a file from Maya to get your data into Unreal.


Version 2.1 now includes features to help you be more efficient and work faster.

Features include:

  • Asset Filtering - Easily find Unreal Engine assets and sequences with a new search and filter options.
  • Animation Sequence Filtering - Only sequences related to selected skeletons in the Live Link UI are shown to help you make selections faster.
  • Link Settings Saved -  Links set up in the Live Link UI are saved with your Maya scene and reloaded when you reopen the file saving you time by not having to redo all your links.
  • Addtional Camera Attributes supported - Addtional camera attributes for Unreal Cinecamera Actors and Camera Actors are supported such as Aperture, Focal Length and more.
  • Bug fixes.


Version 2.0

Features include:

  • Dual installer - The Unreal Live Link for Maya installer installs both the Maya Live Link plugin as well as the Maya Unreal Live Link plugin in one single installer
  • New UI Layout - The UI has been updated to include features like Sync Time, Pause Character Animation Streaming and the new Asset Linking functionality
  • Asset Linking - Assets in Maya can be linked to assets in Unreal allowing animations to be pushed directly to the engine.
  • Bi-Directional Playheads - Timelines in Maya and Unreal are synchronized and the playhead can be manipulated in Maya or Unreal
  • Creation of Unreal assets directly in the Maya UI - Blueprint Instances, Lights, Cameras and Level or Animation sequences can be created directly through the Maya UI
  • Character Streaming can be paused - Streaming character data can now be paused making it easier when working with long sequences or complex skeletons
  • Bug Fixes


This version also includes:


Version 1.1.1

  • Fixed an issue where the previous frame was sent to Unreal instead of the current frame.


Version 1.1

Features Include:

  • Support for Custom Attributes. When live linking a skeleton joint from Maya to Unreal, you can choose to stream any keyframed custom attributes.
  • Support for Unreal Engine 5.0. The Unreal Engine version is selected through a new drop-down menu in the UI.
  • The source code is available under the MIT license in GitHub here
  • Support for Maya Z-up scenes.
  • Network endpoints saving
  • Support for Linux CentOS 7
  • Bug fixes


Version 1.0

Features Include:

  • A simplified installation experience allows you to get up-and-running in a matter of minutes.
  • The new streamlined interface lets you easily define and manage which Maya assets will be streamed to Unreal.
  • Joint hierarchy transforms can be connected, allowing for character-to-character animation streaming.
  • BlendShapes are supported, enabling you to make changes to characters such as facial expressions and lip-syncing, and see them in-context in Unreal.
  • Camera attributes including transforms, angle of view, focal length, film gate, camera aperture, film aspect ratio, depth of field, focus distance, and fStop are supported.
  • Lighting adjustments including color, intensity, cone angle, and penumbra angle are supported.
  • Scene timecode is streamed to Unreal as metadata, allowing play head synchronization between Maya and Unreal. 


For customers still on Unreal 4.27, the plugins for v1.1.1 are available at the following links:

Linux: https://apps.autodesk.com/MAYA/en/Detail/Index?id=1997561394223886348&appLang=en&os=Linux

Windows:  https://apps.autodesk.com/MAYA/en/Detail/Index?id=1997561394223886348&appLang=en&os=Win64


For more details on how to connect Maya to Unreal, see Connecting Unreal Engine 4 to Maya with Live Link or How to use Unreal® Live Link for Autodesk® Maya® plug-in. To learn more about the plug-in features, see the videos on the Maya Learning channel.

A propos de cette version

Version 2.1.0, 26/09/2022
Compatible with Maya 2020, 2022 and 2023 Compatible with Unreal®️ Engine and 5.0

Captures d'écran et vidéos

You can now link directly to assets in Unreal, allowing animations to be pushed straight to the engine.

Avis des clients

19 avis
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  • is this just for UE4.27 too or just UE5
    Tobias Chevalier | juin 14, 2024 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    it keeps saying no unreal installations found. please install Unreal Engine first help

  • installation directory must be a on local hard drive
    xiaoyou20071217 xiaoyou20071217 | mai 10, 2024 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    If you run into the problem where the installer thinks all of your drives are not "local hard drive", run the installer through a command prompt with administator permission.

  • macOS
    Erik Martinez Sanchez | juin 13, 2023

    Would be lovely to see this for macOS apple silicon.

  • Unreal 5.1
    levantozashvili levantozashvili | janvier 14, 2023 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    Is unreal 5.1 supported? As can't seem to make it work. 


    Michael Mcleod | janvier 16, 2023

    not working for me either. the installer refuses to see UE install

  • Wont locate Unreal Engine 5 in Epic Games
    Michael Mcleod | janvier 08, 2023 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)


    The installer does not see UE5 in Epic Games. Can someone please advise how to fix?

  • How about actual V2??
    kiattisak Sinchairojkul | décembre 07, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    This is version 2.1 for unreal engine 5.

    How about version 2 for unreal engine 4????


    UE5 is too slow.


    James Munguia | janvier 01, 2023

    UE5 is not slow, you need a better PC, that's it.

  • iOS
    Jeongug Hwang | novembre 29, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    is there any way that macbook user can use live link?

  • Not working
    Ross Daniel | octobre 09, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    Nothing coming up in unreal message bus source. Help please

    Alberto Juarez | octobre 12, 2022

    I having the same issue in linux but I found this: If Linux distribution does not have OpenSSL 1.1 installed, you may see OpenSSL errors. We advise using OpenSSL 1.1.x. hope it helps.

  • 2.1.0 version does not work.
    시민 김 | octobre 02, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    Warning: A unsupported version of MayaLiveLink is trying to communicate. Requested version: '2' LiveLink 'v2.0.0'. Supported version: '2' LiveLink 'v2.1.0'.


    can i get the 2.0.0 version?

  • Competition? No complaints if there are no plug-ins that are competing.
    YUTO UMEDA | septembre 30, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    Unreal LiveLink をインストールした後、DAZ と MAYA が起動しません。
    現在の解決策は、Unreal LiveLink をインストールすることで、起動します。

    バージョン MAYA2022 2023
    Unreal LiveLink 2.0


    # Error: FileNotFoundError: file C:\Users\tekki\Documents\maya\2022\modules\DazToMaya\scripts\d2m.py line 2527: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\ProgramData\\Autodesk \\ApplicationPlugins\\UnrealLiveLinkForMaya\\Contents\\plug-ins\\scripts\\d2m.cfg'

  • Not sync with ue5
    SHUMING LI | septembre 05, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    Hi,I have some issue about Live Link 2.0.

    I am using MAYA 2023(also tested in 2022) and UE5.0.3.And I have already disable "Use less GPU when in back ground"and "Auto save"in UE5.

    But when I drag my object or the camera in the MAYA "View Panel" or "Channel Box",UE5 refreshes the display only when I release the mouse button.

    However,when I drag the key in the MAYA "Graph Editor" ,UE5 refreshes the display immediately.

    Is that something wrong about my MAYA setting?All those tutorial on youtube are synchro

  • Please Support Focal Length Keyframing in Level Sequence
    마야07 블래스트 | juillet 29, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)


    I am using Maya 2022, and generally satisfied with this version. But there's a fatal problem.


    If I add camera section in maya Unreal Live Link, that section enters UE Live Link as a 'Camera Role'. During this role, FoV is normally transmitted.


    However, when the camera is linked to the level sequence in Maya Unrea Live Link, UE Live Link subject role is changed to the 'Level Sequence Role' and FoV is no longer supported. Because of this, the level sequence camera linked to Maya has the transform keyframe baked normally, but the Focal Length cannot read, so the keyframe is not taken at all.


    Please support Focal Length keyframing in Level Sequence Camera.

  • Maya still says "Update Available" after install of v2
    Toby Cook | juillet 22, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    I'm sure it will be GREAT once I can install the new version! ;-)

    I've installed V2 of the plugin (with maya and unreal fully closed, on windows 10 pro), then Maya 2022 still says "update available" on the plugin. It links again to download it. What is the solution? Do I have to change something inside Plug-in Manager?

    Nico Steyl | août 24, 2022

    You need to manually delete the old version 1.1.1 files and then install version 2

  • almost perfect
    Eugene Flormata | juin 08, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    I like the new update with maya livelink knowing if it's Zup or Yup but there's a bug I encountered that I see other people also seeing

    if I link a root bone, and direct control the rootbone, or attribute from maya, it transfers over the values live to unreal5. if I control the attribute or bone from another control. unreal5 only updates if i scrub the maya timeline. the same issue is visible in this youtube video i found for maya live link and unreal 5.

    Ideally I'd like to see the skeleton update when i move a control

  • Working 2022 - 23
    Hernan S | avril 12, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    Thanks - Working as expected for character animation - Looking forward to seeing more dev on this as we go on to see more than just character work. 

  • 什么时间可以支持连接UE5
    Blue line | février 22, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)


  • Does it work with Maya 2022.3
    Nicolas Miebach | janvier 31, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    I did install the PlugIn but the installer does not copy any Files to the PlugIn Directory. So I can´t open the plugin because the MEL Command can´t find the scripts..

    Any clues?

    Paul Siciliano | février 15, 2022

    Same issue here. **Then I made sure that the Plugin: GamePipeline.mll was also checked ON (because it wasn't)... re-opened the file then the Unreal LiveLink menu item showed up under file menu, as it should. Hope this helps.

  • Realistic Scenes.
    atageldi animation | janvier 04, 2022 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    Realistic Scenes.

    Hugh Janus | janvier 12, 2022


  • Great App
    Chris Alberto | décembre 16, 2021 Téléchargement vérifié (Qu'est-ce que c'est?)

    Realistic Scenes.
