IFC 2020

Digitally signed app
Système d'exploitation:
The IFC for Autodesk® Revit® 2020 contains up-to-date improvements on the default IFC import and export capabilities of Revit contributed by Autodesk and our Open Source contributors.
While this app is not necessary for IFC support, it is recommended that users that depend on the quality of their IFC files download this app and keep it up-to-date, as new enhancements and defect fixes are added, for more information on IFC, please visit the building SMART website (buildingsmart.org) or the Revit wiki (help.autodesk.com/view/RVT/2020/ENU/?guid=GUID-6708CFD6-0AD7-461F-ADE8-6527423EC895).
A propos de cette version
Version 20.3.2, 06/10/2021
See the full set of release notes here: https://github.com/Autodesk/revit-ifc/releases/tag/IFC_v20.3.2.0
I have found some issues trying to export the thermal properties of the materials that compound the building elements. Is there any solution to this?
Hello, our own plugin has a conflict with the latest updates of the IFC exporter. Could someone share the installers for Revit 19, 20, 21, and 22, please? Thank you!
You can find old installers here: https://github.com/Autodesk/revit-ifc.
We need IFC exporter to use with Plant3d files and plain Autocad files. To open those in Revit. Please, work on it!
We also need this IFC exporter for Plant3D. Did you find any solution?
This is just for Revit and Navis, but have passed these comments on to the AutoCAD/Plant3D teams.
I have downloaded and double click on the file (msi) but it does not install anything.
No, this is just for Revit 2020, as it says in the "Compatible with" section. There will be a version for IFC 2021 (with that name) coming.
Hello i would install the version how i can have the setup please?
thank you for your answer
Previous versions can be found here: https://github.com/Autodesk/revit-ifc
As coordenadas compartilhadas ainda não estão funcionando muito bem, a rotação da obra não bate com o projeto linkado. Não sei se é só a rotação, mas parece que sim.
Same :(
Hello, I need the 2019 version. Can you help me?
The IFC 2019 version only works for Revit - Navisworks "learned" how to share the IFC component in 2020.
every Revit user exporting IFC fils should install this!
Does not work for revit 2020 for me. It does not export my IfcExportAs and IfcExportType settings. The version for revit 2021 works perfect.
@Gerben: can you send a sample project to the revit.apps@autodesk.com email? Our testing doesn't show any generic issue here, so we'd like to test your data.