Sistema operacional:


OrthoGen® is a software program that streamlines projects by automating orthographic drawing production by eliminating repetitive tasks, pin-pointing plant objects and locations, protecting data integrity, sharing drawings and data, and producing fast-consistent design drawings. Automatic drawings generated from 3D models are created in a fraction of the time previously spent, and they accurately and consistently reflect model conditions.


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).  

Descrição da versão de avaliação

OrthoGen will work for 15 days after installation. After the trial expires, please contact 3DS Net, Inc. for purchasing options.


Sobre esta versão

Versão, 28/11/2024
This new release extends OrthoGen to support Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2024 and Plant 3D 2024. New features in this release include: stacked dimensioning, improved support for Plant 3D Collaboration plus many additional fixes.

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4 revisões
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  • The software does not function
    Arun Kumar Krishnamoorthy | junho 06, 2023 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    The software does not function in Plant 3D versions 2023 and 2024.

    Jeff Holmes (Fornecedor) | julho 31, 2023

    You are correct. This version does not work with versions 2023 or 2024, but our newer version OrthoGen 23 does support these later editions of Plant 3D. Please contact our sales team at for a later version. In the meantime, we are working to upload a newer version of OrthoGen to the Autodesk App Store. Thank you for your feedback!

  • Video
    Ajay Guy | julho 16, 2021 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    OrthoGen already upgraded to the latest version 20 but the video still using orthogen 10. Kindly update the video too and show how it works and what is new in version 20.

    Jeff Holmes (Fornecedor) | julho 23, 2021

    Thank you for calling this to our attention. We will replace this video with an updated one soon.

  • 2D Drawing Automation
    Jin Lee | junho 24, 2020

    No need to spend man hours to draw 2D drawings.

  • 2D Drawing Automation
    Jin Lee | junho 24, 2020

    No need to spend manhours to draw 2D drawings.

    Now, Orthogen will do it.

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