Conduit Audit

Digitally signed app
When a conduit route is modified, custom parameter values are not maintained through the entire conduit system. Conduit Audit will take the parameter values that exist in part of the conduit network, and push them throughout the entire network, to keep the parameter information and schedules up-to-date.
The list of parameters, and whether they apply to just a branch or the whole network is customizable. There is also an auto-number feature to automatically add a conduit number if the parameter is blank in the entire branch or network.
The installer contains a custom EULA that must be accepted before the tool is installed. A copy of the EULA can be requested from IE.Programming@Interstates.com.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).
It works best if you are doing conduit scheduling. it saved me thousands of hours of repetetive work. I highly recomment it
I just installed this 3 days ago and have already saved at a few hours of rework. This is such a man-hour saver when it comes to editing conduit runs and maintaing parameters for schedules and tags.
Thank you for developing and sharing this!
I just finished the 30 day trial and now have purchsed. It only works half the time, not sure why???
I found if you do not have the full conduit run selected it does not work if you are trying to run on just some. Or if you have something else selected and run it to update all it does not work. I use this tool with their Select Conduit Run tool, they work great together.
It works very well on transfering the Parameters thru the conduit run so they can be ued in the conduit run schedules.
The tool is great works just as advertised!
But I do feel adding conduit runs after you have already ran the tool and sent sheets out has been overlooked.
(Look for duplicates) If the Auto Conduit ID part of the tool could look for duplicates per the parameter you choose and let use choose to swap to a new ID that hasn’t been used in the project it would be a huge help.
(Start ID's off at:) When running the Auto ID if we could choose what number to start off at that would be very helpful for the instance of adding new content after the tool is ran.
Thanks for the feedback Spencer! The Start IDs should be an easy addition, we will get that on the list for a future update. The Look for Duplicates is a bit more challenging. The tool would first have to gather all the conduit numbers from the model before processing even a small selection of conduit. This could add a lot more processing time, but we will look into it. If you have any other feedback or ideas, please let us know.
Good tool does exactly what it say it does.
An nice to have option would be adding the ability to push the workset.
Another nice option would be; when selecting multiple conduits, to then select all connected conduit runs. A example of this can be seen in Dewalt's HangerWorks
John, thanks for the feedback! The latest release now has the ability to push to any parameter type including Workset.
I have a couple of suggestions for Improvement: 1. A multiple conduit selection tool. example when running a single run of a conduit rack using the Tab select is a simple task. However many times we do not connect multiple runs to equipment, lets say you are selecting an entire rack of 16 conduit runs, Tabs Select; Ctrl-Tab-select; 15 more times, and this task get tedious. A window selection of one section and then a select all connected conduits would make this a simple task. Dewalt's hangerworks has this tool. 2. Working with others and multiple projects, A save/load settings location: "P:\program data\Interstates\Conduit Audit Settings.xml" example: P:\Projects\Project-A\ProjectSettings\Conduit Audit Settings.xml" Rather than coping over the settings to each team member.
Thanks for the continued feedback! We have an existing 'select multiple runs' tool that we are working on updating for release. Hoping to have it out soon. Also, the import/export of settings shouldn't be too difficult, we will add that to the list for a future update.
This App has saved our team Thousands of hours. Also help find labeling issues where someone has applied a different label in 2 locations.
This tool works great!
I installed this app and was using it in just a few minutes. App is easy to setup and saves me a lot of time correcting parameters for conduit. I would recommend this app to anyone modeling conduit,, it is a huge time saver.