Select by material
Sistema operacional:
This tool will help you select the element that is using a given material. Just write the name of the material and all elements using that material will be added to a new selection. The input field has an autocomplete to help you find the material easily.
The material can be applied directly to a solid, by linking it with a parameter or materials "By Category", materials in nested families will also be found by the plugin.
Sobre esta versão
Versão 1.0, 13/09/2021
Initial version
Checked for RVT2023.
First you need to edit xml file. Add strings for RVT2023
Then make copy of folder 2020 and rename it to 2023
After that app will be work for RVT2023.
Ira, thanks for this tip. Works fine in 2023
i made a new change in one file and iit works for Revit 2024
can u help by the change you made so we can use for 2023
Hi Pablo, do you have any intention and forecast to update the plugin to revi 2023? it help us a lot thank you for your efforts
please update it for new version of revit too.
unfortunately i could not use it for RVT2023 now :-(
Hi Pablo, do you have any intention and forecast to update the plugin to revi 2022? I'm using one of these plugins to 3dsMax and it helps a lot. Thanks