Views Synchronizer
Sistema operacional:
Views Synchronizer is a free plugin for Autodesk® Revit® developed to link, manage and synchronize views across multiple Revit models. This application allows users to overcome Revit built-in functionality limitation of not supporting linked models while creating callouts and using the 'Reference Other View' option.
- Link Detail Item family instance (acting as a callout) to any view in the current or linked model
- Synchronize changes for all Detail Item family instances with changes applied for linked view in the current or linked model
- Export synchronization results
- Navigate to the selected Detail Item
Sobre esta versão
Versão 1.1.3, 19/12/2024
-Compatible with Revit 2024 and 2025
-Synchronization changed from Element Id based to GUID
Is there a version for R24
Dear Alaa, Please be informed that version 1.1.3 published on 12/19/2024 supports Revit 2024 and 2025. Regards